SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO per month
Your site moves up in Google & Yandex search result pages.
SEO per traffic
You pay for visitors who came from search engines, and that data is in your website analytics.
Now the WWWeb has over 660 million sites, and some 200 thousand appear every day. If you think that launching new site will immediately turn traffic your way, you'll be disappointed. It's like searching for someone at a stadium full of people when all you know about him is that he was your college mate and loves sushi. No SEO? Your site will be found only by those who already know it exists - from your leaflets, subscriptions, other sources. It may take your site years to reach Google's top 10.
Без продвижения Ваш ресурс смогут найти только те люди, которые знают о его существовании из ваших буклетов, рассылок, других источников. До первой страницы Яндекса и Google, ваш сайт может добираться годами.
What now?
- Send us your request
- We'll do a free audit of your current site if you have one
- We'll provide you with promotion options: search queries, budget, results and deadlines
How fast?

For a new domain
2-5 months,
depends on competition and search popularity.

For an existing domain
1-3 months
if your site wasn't promoted with black-hat SEO before
How much?

We deal with SEO budgets from 300+ USD.