Responsive website development for Time Empire, Sochi
Luxury salons in Sochi and Moscow: Swiss watches, jewelry, sunglasses & optical glasses, contact lenses, accessories. Responsive website with big catalog.
Drupal version: 7.23. Modules: Administration menu, Backup and Migrate, Back To Top, Better Exposed Filters, Browser class, Coder, Conditional Fields, Context, Chaos tool suite (ctools), Devel, DHTML Menu, Entity API, Field collection, Internationalization, Inline Form Errors, ImageCache Actions, Image Preloader, IMCE, IMCE Wysiwyg bridge, Localization update, Link, menuimage, Menu attributes, Menu block, Metatag, Module Filter, Omega Tools, Panels, Panels Everywhere, Pathauto, Quick Tabs, Redirect, Rules, Semantic Views, Strongarm, Superfish, Taxonomy Manager, Token, Variable, Video Embed Field, Views, Views jQFX, Views Load More, Views Slideshow, Webform, Webform Ajax, Wysiwyg, XML sitemap.
UPD: unfortunately, these days (November 2015) only home page of works the way it should.
Site of Time Empire is a Winner of the Day at CSSReel gallery.